Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sore Throat: Causes, Symptom And Remedies.

Sore throat facts

  • Most sore throats are caused by viruses or mechanical causes (such as mouth breathing) and can be treated successfully at home.
  • Sore throat symptoms include pain, burning or scratching sensations at the back of the throat, pain when swallowing, and tenderness in the neck. Sore throat symptoms may be accompanied by coughing, sneezing, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Home remedies for sore throat include saltwater gargles, sprays, lozenges and humidifiers. Do not give lozenges to young children as they are a choking hazard.
  • Any sore throat that has a rapid onset and is associated with a fever or tenderness of the front of the neck may be serious and should be seen by a doctor.
  • Any sore throat that causes a person to have difficulty swallowing (not just pain with swallowing) or breathing should be seen by a health care professional.
  • Seek medical care immediately for a sore throat if the person is unable to take his or her medications, has palpitations, or are lightheaded, or the tongue or lips swell up.
  • Any sore throat that lasts for more than a week should be evaluated by a health care professional.
  • If you are pregnant and your sore throat symptoms are severe or do not resolve in three days, seek medical attention.

What causes a sore throat?

A sore throat can have many causes including:
  • Common viruses, including the viruses that cause mononucleuosis(mono) and the flu. Some viruses can also produce blisters in the mouth and throat ("aphthous stomatitis").
  • Infection of the tonsils or adenoids.
  • Breathing through the mouth or smoking can produce throat dryness and soreness.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) while lying down or sleeping.
  • Sinus drainage from allergic or chronic sinusitis.
  • Bacterial infections. The two most common bacteria to cause a sore throat are Streptococcus (which causes strep throat) andArcanobacterium haemolyticumArcanobacterium causes sore throats mainly in young adults and is sometimes associated with a fine red rash.
  • Sore throat appearing after treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, or other immune-compromising medications may be due to the yeastCandida, commonly known as "thrush."
  • A sore throat lasting for more than two weeks can be a sign of a serious illness, such as throat cancer or AIDS.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Forgetfulness: Brain Tricks Or Are We Getting Getting Old??

Maria has been a teacher for 35 years. Teaching fills her life and gives her a sense of accomplishment, but recently she has begun to forget details and has become more and more disorganized. At first, she laughed it off, but her memory problems have worsened. Her family and friends have been sympathetic but are not sure what to do. Parents and school administrators are worried about Maria's performance in the classroom. The principal has suggested she see a doctor. Maria is angry with herself and frustrated, and she wonders whether these problems are signs of Alzheimer's disease or just forgetfulness that comes with getting older.

Many people worry about becoming forgetful. They think forgetfulness is the first sign of Alzheimer's disease. Over the past few years, scientists have learned a lot about memory and why some kinds of memory problems are serious but others are not.

Age-Related Changes In Memory

Forgetfulness can be a normal part of aging. As people get older, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain. As a result, some people may notice that it takes longer to learn new things, they don't remember information as well as they did, or they lose things like their glasses. These usually are signs of mild forgetfulness, not serious memory problems.

Some older adults also find that they don't do as well as younger people on complex memory or learning tests. Scientists have found, though, that given enough time, healthy older people can do as well as younger people do on these tests. In fact, as they age, healthy adults usually improve in areas of mental ability such as vocabulary.

Other Causes Of Memory Loss

Some memory problems are related to health issues that may be treatable. For example, medication side effects, vitamin B12 deficiency, chronic alcoholism, tumors or infections in the brain, or blood clots in the brain can cause memory loss or possibly dementia (see more on dementia, below). Some thyroid, kidney, or liver disorders also can lead to memory loss. A doctor should treat serious medical conditions like these as soon as possible.

Emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, can make a person more forgetful and can be mistaken for dementia. For instance, someone who has recently retired or who is coping with the death of a spouse, relative, or friend may feel sad, lonely, worried, or bored. Trying to deal with these life changes leaves some people confused or forgetful.

The confusion and forgetfulness caused by emotions usually are temporary and go away when the feelings fade. The emotional problems can be eased by supportive friends and family, but if these feelings last for a long time, it is important to get help from a doctor or counselor. Treatment may include counseling, medication, or both.

More Serious Memory Problems

For some older people, memory problems are a sign of a serious problem, such as mild cognitive impairment or dementia. People who are worried about memory problems should see a doctor. The doctor might conduct or order a thorough physical and mental health evaluation to reach a diagnosis. Often, these evaluations are conducted by a neurologist, a physician who specializes in problems related to the brain and central nervous system.

A complete medical exam for memory loss should review the person's medical history, including the use of prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diet, past medical problems, and general health. A correct diagnosis depends on accurate details, so in addition to talking with the patient, the doctor might ask a family member, caregiver, or close friend for information.

Blood and urine tests can help the doctor find the cause of the memory problems or dementia. The doctor also might do tests for memory loss and test the person's problem-solving and language abilities. A computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan may help rule out some causes of the memory problems.

Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Some people with memory problems have a condition called amnestic mild cognitive impairment, or amnestic MCI. People with this condition have more memory problems than normal for people their age, but their symptoms are not as severe as those of Alzheimer's disease, and they are able to carry out their normal daily activities.

Signs of MCI include misplacing things often, forgetting to go to important events and appointments, and having trouble coming up with desired words. Family and friends may notice memory lapses, and the person with MCI may worry about losing his or her memory. These worries may prompt the person to see a doctor for diagnosis.

Researchers have found that more people with MCI than those without it go on to develop Alzheimer's within a certain timeframe. However, not everyone who has MCI develops AD. 

Studies are underway to learn why some people with MCI progress to AD and others do not.
There currently is no standard treatment for MCI. Typically, the doctor will regularly monitor and test a person diagnosed with MCI to detect any changes in memory and thinking skills over time. There are no medications approved for use for MCI.


Dementia is the loss of thinking, memory, and reasoning skills to such an extent that it seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities. Dementia is not a disease itself but a group of symptoms caused by certain diseases or conditions such as Alzheimer's. People with dementia lose their mental abilities at different rates.

Symptoms may include:

-Being unable to remember things

-Asking the same question or repeating the same story over and over
-Becoming lost in familiar places
-Being unable to follow directions
-Getting disoriented about time, people, and places
-Neglecting personal safety, hygiene, and nutrition

Two of the most common forms of dementia in older people are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. These types of dementia cannot be cured at present.

In Alzheimer's disease, changes to nerve cells in certain parts of the brain result in the death of a large number of cells. Symptoms of Alzheimer's begin slowly and worsen steadily as damage to nerve cells spreads throughout the brain. As time goes by, forgetfulness gives way to serious problems with thinking, judgment, recognizing family and friends, and the ability to perform daily activities like driving a car or handling money. Eventually, the person needs total care.

In vascular dementia, a series of strokes or changes in the brain's blood supply leads to the death of brain tissue. Symptoms of vascular dementia can vary but usually begin suddenly, depending on where in the brain the strokes occurred and how severe they were. The person's memory, language, reasoning, and coordination may be affected. Mood and personality changes are common as well.

It's not possible to reverse damage already caused by a stroke, so it's very important to get medical care right away if someone has signs of a stroke. It's also important to take steps to prevent further strokes, which worsen vascular dementia symptoms. Some people have both Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

Keeping Your Memory Sharp

People with some forgetfulness can use a variety of techniques that may help them stay healthy and maintain their memory and mental skills. Here are some tips that can help:

-Plan tasks, make "to do" lists, and use memory aids like notes and calendars. Some people find they remember things better if they mentally connect them to other meaningful things, such as a familiar name, song, book, or TV show.

-Develop interests or hobbies and stay involved in activities that can help both the mind and body.

-Engage in physical activity and exercise. Several studies have associated exercise (such as walking) with better brain function, although more research is needed to say for sure whether exercise can help to maintain brain function or prevent or delay symptoms of Alzheimer's.

-Limit alcohol use. Although some studies suggest that moderate alcohol use has health benefits, heavy or binge drinking over time can cause memory loss and permanent brain damage.

-Find activities, such as exercise or a hobby, to relieve feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression. If these feelings last for a long time, talk with your doctor.

Treatment For Dementia

A person with dementia should be under a doctor's care. The doctor might be a neurologist, family doctor, internist, geriatrician, or psychiatrist. He or she can treat the patient's physical and behavioral problems (such as aggression, agitation, or wandering) and answer the many questions that the person or family may have.

People with dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease may be treated with medications. Four medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat Alzheimer's. 

Donepezil (Aricept®), rivastigmine (Exelon®), and galantamine (Razadyne®) are used to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer's (donepezil has been approved to treat severe Alzheimer's as well). Memantine (Namenda®) is used to treat moderate to severe Alzheimer's. These drugs may help maintain thinking, memory, and speaking skills, and may lessen certain behavioral problems for a few months to a few years in some people. However, they don't stop Alzheimer's disease from progressing. Studies are underway to investigate medications to slow cognitive decline and to prevent the development of Alzheimer's.

People with vascular dementia should take steps to prevent further strokes. These steps include controlling high blood pressure, monitoring and treating high blood cholesterol and diabetes, and not smoking. Studies are underway to develop medicines to reduce the severity of memory and thinking problems that come with vascular dementia. Other studies are looking at the effects of drugs to relieve certain symptoms of this type of dementia.

Family members and friends can help people in the early stages of dementia to continue their daily routines, physical activities, and social contacts. People with dementia should be kept up to date about the details of their lives, such as the time of day, where they live, and what is happening at home or in the world. Memory aids may help. Some families find that a big calendar, a list of daily plans, notes about simple safety measures, and written directions describing how to use common household items are useful aids.

What You Can Do

If you're concerned that you or someone you know has a serious memory problem, talk with your doctor. He or she may be able to diagnose the problem or refer you to a specialist in neurology or geriatric psychiatry. Healthcare professionals who specialize in Alzheimer's can recommend ways to manage the problem or suggest treatment or services that might help. More information is available from the organizations listed below.

People with Alzheimer's disease, MCI, or a family history of Alzheimer's, and healthy people with no memory problems and no family history of Alzheimer's may be able to take part in clinical trials. Participating in clinical trials is an effective way to help in the fight against Alzheimer's.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tooth Ache,Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

Assalamualaikum wa RahamtuLLAh, in this post, it will be on tooth ache, As I am suffering from that since 1 am till the moment i wrote this post.

What is a toothache?

"Toothache" usually refers to pain around the teeth or jaws primarily as a result of a dental condition. In most instances, toothaches are caused by tooth problems, such as a dental cavity, a cracked tooth, an exposed tooth root, or gum disease. However, disorders of the jaw joint (temporo-mandibular joint) can also cause pain that is referred to as "toothache." The severity of a toothache can range from chronic and mild to sharp and excruciating. The pain may be aggravated by chewing or by cold or heat. A thorough oral examination, which includes dental X-rays, can help determine whether the toothache is coming from a tooth or jaw problem and the cause.
Sometimes, a toothache may be caused by a problem not originating from a tooth or the jaw. Pain around the teeth and the jaws can be symptoms of diseases of the heart (such as angina or heart attack), ears (such as inner or external ear infections), and sinuses (air passages of the cheekbones). For example, the pain of angina (inadequate supply of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle because of narrowing of the arteries to the heart) is usually located in the chest or the arm. However, in some patients with angina, a toothache or jaw pain is the only symptom of their heart problem. Infections and diseases of the ears and sinuses can also cause pain around the teeth and jaws. Therefore, evaluations by both dentists and doctors are sometimes necessary to diagnose medical illnesses causing "toothache."

What are dental causes of toothaches?

Common dental causes of toothaches include dental cavities, dental abscess, gum disease, irritation of the tooth root and some more popular causes.
Dental cavities & dental abscess
The most common cause of a toothache is a dental cavity. Dental cavities (caries) are holes in the two outer layers of a tooth called the enamel and the dentin. The enamel is the outermost white hard surface and the dentin is the yellow layer just beneath the enamel. Both layers serve to protect the inner living tooth tissue called the pulp, where blood vessels and nerves reside. Certain bacteria in the mouth convert simple sugars into acid. The acid softens and (along with saliva) dissolves the enamel and dentin, creating cavities. Small, shallow cavities may not cause pain and may be unnoticed by the patient. The larger deeper cavities can be painful and collect food debris. The inner living pulp of the affected tooth can become irritated by bacterial toxins or by foods and liquids that are cold, hot, sour, or sweet, thereby causing toothaches. Severe injury to the pulp can lead to the death of pulp tissue, resulting in tooth infection (dental abscess). A small swelling or "gum blister" may be present near the affected tooth as well. Toothaches from these larger cavities are the most common reason for visits to dentists.
Treatment of a small and shallow cavity usually involves a dental filling. Treatment of a larger cavity involves an onlay or crown. Treatment for a cavity that has penetrated and injured the pulp or for an infected tooth is either a root canal procedure or extraction of the affected tooth. The root canal procedure involves removing the dying pulp tissue (thus avoiding or removing tooth infection) and replacing it with an inert filling material. The procedure is used in an attempt to save the dying tooth from extraction. Once a root canal procedure is done, the tooth is more prone to fracture and will oftentimes require a crown to protect it.
Gum disease
The second most common cause of toothache is gum disease (periodontal disease). Gum disease refers to inflammation of the soft tissue (gingiva) and abnormal loss of bone that surrounds and holds the teeth in place. Gum disease is caused by toxins secreted by certain bacteria in "plaque" that accumulate over time along and under the gum line. This plaque is a mixture of food, saliva, and bacteria. An early symptom of gum disease is gum bleeding without pain. Pain is a symptom of more advanced gum disease as the loss of bone around the teeth leads to the formation of deep gum pockets. Bacteria in these pockets cause gum infection, swelling, pain, and further bone destruction. Advanced gum disease can cause loss of otherwise healthy teeth. Gum disease is complicated by such factors as poor oral hygiene, family history of gum disease, smoking, and family history of diabetes.
Treatment of gum disease always involves oral hygiene and removal of bacterial plaque and tartar (hardened plaque). Moderate to advanced gum disease usually requires a thorough cleaning of the teeth and teeth roots called "scaling and root planing" and "subgingival curettage." Scaling and root planing is the removal of plaque and tartar from exposed teeth roots while subgingival curettage refers to the removal of the surface of the inflamed layer of gum tissue. Both of these procedures are usually performed under local anesthesia and may be accompanied by the use of oral antibiotics to overcome gum infection or abscess. Follow-up treatment, if necessary, may include various types of gum operations. In advanced gum disease with significant bone destruction and loosening of teeth, teeth splinting or teeth extractions may be necessary.
Tooth root sensitivities
Toothache can also be caused by exposed tooth roots. Typically, the roots are the lower two-thirds of the teeth that are normally buried in bone. The bacterial toxins dissolve the bone around the roots and cause the gum and the bone to recede, exposing the roots. The condition of exposed roots is called "recession." The exposed roots can become extremely sensitive to cold, hot, and sour foods because they are no longer protected by healthy gum and bone.
Early stages of root exposure can be treated with topical fluoride gels applied by the dentist or with special toothpastes (such as Sensodyne or Denquel) which contain fluorides and other minerals. These minerals are absorbed by the surface layer of the roots to make the roots stronger and less sensitive to the oral environment. Dentists may also apply "bonding agents" to the exposed roots to seal the sensitive areas. If the root exposure causes injury and death of the inner living pulp tissue of the tooth, then a root canal procedure or tooth extraction may be necessary.
Toothache Treatment
-Over the conter pain medications such as acetaminophen( Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil)- Both of them are painkillers-  may be used. Take these as directed on the package and around the clock on a schedule while you arrange a dental appointment.
- Avoid a very cold or hot foods because this may make the pain worse.
- Relief may be obtained from biting on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves. Oil of cloves is available at most of drug stores.
These are the modern treatment that doctors and pharmacists would prefer us to do. As for traditional, there are some that quite help, but most of them are quite helpless.
As for me, both of modern and traditional treatment does not help me at all. So O began to write this blog in4.30 a.m.
Salam Jumuah.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cell Phone And Cancer Risk

Why is there concern that cell phones may cause cancer or other health problems?

There are three main reasons why people are concerned that cell phones (also known as “wireless” or “mobile” telephones) might have the potential to cause certain types of cancer or other health problems:
  • Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation. Tissues nearest to where the phone is held can absorb this energy.
  • The number of cell phone users has increased rapidly. As of 2010, there were more than 303 million subscribers to cell phone service in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. This is a nearly threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000. Globally, the number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion.
  • Over time, the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased. Cell phone technology has also undergone substantial changes.

What is radiofrequency energy and how does it affect the body?

Radiofrequency energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation can be categorized into two types: ionizing (e.g., x-rays, radon, and cosmic rays) and non-ionizing (e.g., radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency or power frequency).
Exposure to ionizing radiation, such as from radiation therapy, is known to increase the risk of cancer. However, although many studies have examined the potential health effects of non-ionizing radiation from radar, microwave ovens, and other sources, there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk .
The only known biological effect of radiofrequency energy is heating. The ability of microwave ovens to heat food is one example of this effect of radiofrequency energy. Radiofrequency exposure from cell phone use does cause heating; however, it is not sufficient to measurably increase body temperature.
A recent study showed that when people used a cell phone for 50 minutes, brain tissues on the same side of the head as the phone’s antenna metabolized more glucose than did tissues on the opposite side of the brain . The researchers noted that the results are preliminary, and possible health outcomes from this increase in glucose metabolism are still unknown.

How is radiofrequency energy exposure measured in epidemiologic studies?

Levels of radiofrequency exposure are indirectly estimated using information from interviews or questionnaires. These measures include the following:
  • How “regularly” study participants use cell phones (the minimum number of calls per week or month)
  • The age and the year when study participants first used a cell phone and the age and the year of last use (allows calculation of the duration of use and time since the start of use)
  • The average number of cell phone calls per day, week, or month (frequency)
  • The average length of a typical cell phone call
  • The total hours of lifetime use, calculated from the length of typical call times, the frequency of use, and the duration of use

What has research shown about the possible cancer-causing effects of radiofrequency energy?

Although there have been some concerns that radiofrequency energy from cell phones held closely to the head may affect the brain and other tissues, to date there is no evidence from studies of cells, animals, or humans that radiofrequency energy can cause cancer.
It is generally accepted that damage to DNA is necessary for cancer to develop. However, radiofrequency energy, unlike ionizing radiation, does not cause DNA damage in cells, and it has not been found to cause cancer in animals or to enhance the cancer-causing effects of known chemical carcinogens in animals (35).
Researchers have carried out several types of epidemiologic studies to investigate the possibility of a relationship between cell phone use and the risk of malignant (cancerous) brain tumors, such as gliomas, as well as benign (noncancerous) tumors, such as acoustic neuromas (tumors in the cells of the nerve responsible for hearing), most meningiomas (tumors in the meninges, membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord), and parotid gland tumors (tumors in the salivary glands) (6).
In one type of study, called a case-control study, cell phone use is compared between people with these types of tumors and people without them. In another type of study, called a cohort study, a large group of people is followed over time and the rate of these tumors in people who did and didn’t use cell phones is compared. Cancer incidence data can also be analyzed over time to see if the rates of cancer changed in large populations during the time that cell phone use increased dramatically. The results of these studies have generally not provided clear evidence of a relationship between cell phone use and cancer, but there have been some statistically significant findings in certain subgroups of people.
Findings from specific research studies are summarized below:
  • The Interphone Study, conducted by a consortium of researchers from 13 countries, is the largest health-related case-control study of use of cell phones and head and neck tumors. Most published analyses from this study have shown no statistically significant increases in brain or central nervous system cancers related to higher amounts of cell phone use. One recent analysis showed a statistically significant, albeit modest, increase in the risk of glioma among the small proportion of study participants who spent the most total time on cell phone calls. However, the researchers considered this finding inconclusive because they felt that the amount of use reported by some respondents was unlikely and because the participants who reported lower levels of use appeared to have a reduced risk of brain cancer (79). Another recent study from the group found no relationship between brain tumor locations and regions of the brain that were exposed to the highest level of radiofrequency energy from cell phones (10).
  • A cohort study in Denmark linked billing information from more than 358,000 cell phone subscribers with brain tumor incidence data from the Danish Cancer Registry. The analyses found no association between cell phone use and the incidence of glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, even among people who had been cell phone subscribers for 13 or more years .
  • Early case-control studies in the United States, Europe, and Japan were unable to demonstrate a relationship between cell phone use and glioma or meningioma .
  • Some case-control studies in Sweden found statistically significant trends of increasing brain cancer risk for the total amount of cell phone use and the years of use among people who began using cell phones before age 20 . However, another large, case-control study in Sweden did not find an increased risk of brain cancer among people between the ages of 20 and 69 . In addition, the international CEFALO study, which compared children who were diagnosed with brain cancer between ages 7 and 19 with similar children who were not, found no relationship between their cell phone use and risk for brain cancer .
  • NCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, which tracks cancer incidence in the United States over time, found no increase in the incidence of brain or other central nervous system cancers between 1987 and 2007, despite the dramatic increase in cell phone use in this country during that time . Similarly, incidence data from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden for the period 1974–2008 revealed no increase in age-adjusted incidence of brain tumors . A 2012 study by NCI researchers, which compared observed glioma incidence rates in SEER with projected rates based on risks observed in the Interphone study , found that the projected rates were consistent with observed U.S. rates. The researchers also compared the SEER rates with projected rates based on a Swedish study published in 2011 . They determined that the projected rates were at least 40 percent higher than, and incompatible with, the actual U.S. rates.
  • Studies of workers exposed to radiofrequency energy have shown no evidence of increased risk of brain tumors among U.S. Navy electronics technicians, aviation technicians, or fire control technicians, those working in an electromagnetic pulse test program, plastic-ware workers, cellular phone manufacturing workers, or Navy personnel with a high probability of exposure to radar.

Do children have a higher risk of developing cancer due to cell phone use than adults?

In theory, children have the potential to be at greater risk than adults for developing brain cancer from cell phones. Their nervous systems are still developing and therefore more vulnerable to factors that may cause cancer. Their heads are smaller than those of adults and therefore have a greater proportional exposure to the field of radiofrequency radiation that is emitted by cell phones. And children have the potential of accumulating more years of cell phone exposure than adults do.
So far, the data from clinical studies in children do not support this theory. The first published analysis came from a large case-control study called CEFALO, which was conducted in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland. The study included children who were diagnosed with brain tumors between 2004 and 2008, when their ages ranged from 7 to 19. Researchers did not find an association between cell phone use and brain tumor risk in this group of children. However, they noted that their results did not rule out the possibility of a slight increase in brain cancer risk among children who use cell phones, and that data gathered through prospective studies and objective measurements, rather than participant surveys and recollections, will be key in clarifying whether there is an increased risk .
Researchers from the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Spain are conducting another international study——to evaluate the risk associated with new communications technologies (including cell phones) and other environmental factors in young people ages 10 to 24. 

What are other sources of radiofrequency energy?a

The most common exposures to radiofrequency energy are from telecommunications devices and equipment . In the United States, cell phones currently operate in a frequency range of about 1,800 to 2,200 megahertz (MHz) . In this range, the electraomagnetic radiation produced is in the form of non-ionizing radiofrequency energy.
Cordless phones (phones that have a base unit connected to the telephone wiring in a house) often operate at radio frequencies similar to those of cell phones; however, since cordless phones have a limited range and require a nearby base, their signals are generally much less powerful than those of cell phones.
Among other radiofrequency energy sources, AM/FM radios and VHF/UHF televisions operate at lower radio frequencies than cell phones, whereas sources such as radar, satellite stations,magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices, industrial equipment, and microwave ovens operate at somewhat higher radio frequencies .

How common is brain cancer? Has the incidence of brain cancer changed over time?

Brain cancer incidence and mortality (death) rates have changed little in the past decade. In the United States, 22,910 new diagnoses and 13,700 deaths from brain cancer are estimated for 2012.
The 5-year relative survival for brain cancers diagnosed from 2002 through 2008 was 35 percent. This is the percentage of people diagnosed with brain cancer who will still be alive 5 years after diagnosis compared with the survival of a person of the same age and sex who does not have cancer.
The risk of developing brain cancer increases with age. From 2005 through 2009, there were fewer than 5 brain cancer cases for every 100,000 people in the United States under age 65, compared with approximately 19 cases for every 100,000 people in the United States who were ages 65 or older .

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ada Apa Dengan Puasa????

memiliki banyak hikmah dan manfaat untuk tubuh, ketenangan jiwa, dan kecantikan. Semasa berpuasa, organ-organ tubuh dapat beristirehat dan sel dalam tubuh boleh berkumpul untuk bertahan. Puasa juga boleh mengeluarkan kotoran, toksin/racun dari dalam tubuh, meremajakan sel-sel tubuh dan menggantikan sel-sel tubuh yang sudah rosak dengan yang baru serta untuk memperbaiki fungsi hormon, menjadikan kulit sihat dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh kerana manusia mempunyai kemampuan terapi secara semulajadi.
Puasa dapat membuat kulit menjadi segar, sihat, lembut, dan berseri. Kerana setiap saat tubuh mengalami metabolisme tenaga, iaitu peristiwa perubahan dari energi yang terkandung dalam zat gizi menjadi tenaga potensi dalam tubuh. Sisanya akan disimpan di dalam tubuh, sel ginjal, sel kulit dan kelopak mata serta dalam bentuk lemak dan glikogen.
Beberapa cendekiawan telah melakukan beberapa ujian tentang puasa diantaranya secara ringkas dibawah ini:

1. Allan Cott, M.D.,

Seorang pakar dari Amerika Syarikat, telah menghimpun hasil pengamatan dan penelitian para ilmuwan berbagai negara, lalu menghimpunnya dalam sebuah bukuWhy Fast iaitu berbagai hikmah puasa, antara lain: a. To feel better physically and mentally (merasa lebih baik secara fizikal dan mental).
b. To look and feel younger (merasa lebih muda).
c. To clean out the body (membersihkan badan)
d. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels (menurunkan tekanan darah dan kadar lemak.
e. To get more out of sex (lebih mampu mengendalikan seks).
f. To let the body health itself (membuat badan sihat dengan sendirinya).
g. To relieve tension (mengendurkan ketegangan jiwa).
h. To sharp the senses (menajamkan fungsi sense).
i. To gain control of oneself (memperolehi kemampuan mengendalikan diri sendiri).
j. To slow the aging process (memperlambat proses penuaan).

2. Dr. Yuri Nikolayev

Pengarah bahagian diet di Moscow menilai kemampuan untuk berpuasa yang mengakibatkan orang yang menjalaninya boleh menjadi awet muda, sebagai suatu penemuan (ilmu) terbesar abad ini. Beliau mengatakan: what do you think is the most important discovery in our time? The radioactive watches? Exocet bombs? In my opinion the bigest discovery of our time is the ability to make onself younger phisically, mentally and spiritually through rational fasting. (Menurut pendapat anda, apakah penemuan terpenting pada abad ini? Jam radioaktif? Bom exoset? Menurut pendapat saya, penemuan terbesar dalam abad ini ialah kemampuan seseorang membuat dirinya tetap awet muda secara fizikal, mental, dan spiritual, melalui puasa yang rasional).

3. Alvenia M. Fulton

Direktor Lembaga Makanan Sihat “Fultonia” di Amerika Syarikat menyatakan bahawa puasa adalah cara terbaik untuk memperindah dan mempercantik wanita secara semulajadi. Puasa menghasilkan kelembutan pesona dan daya pikat. Puasa menormalkan fungsi-fungsi kewanitaan dan membentuk kembali keindahan tubuh (fasting is the ladies best beautifier, it brings grace charm and poice, it normalizes female functions and reshapes the body contour).

4. Muzam MG, Ali M.N dan Husain

Berpendapat bahawa puasa juga selamat untuk pesakit yang mempunyai gangguan ulser. Penelitian dilakukan oleh Muzam MG, Ali M.N dan Husain dalam tindakan terhadap kesan puasa ramadhan terhadap sakit perut.

5. Elson M. Haas M.D.

Direktor Medical Centre of Marin (sejak 1984) mengatakan dalam puasa merupakan bahagian dari trilogy nutrision, balancing, building( toning). Elson percaya bahwa puasa adalah bahagian yang hilang “missing link” dalam diet di dunia barat. Kebanyakan orang di barat over eating atau terlalu banyak makan, makan dengan protein yang berlebihan dan lemak yang berlebihan. Sehingga ia menyarankan agar orang lain mulai mengatur makanannya agar lebih seimbang dan mulai berpuasa, kerana puasa bermanfaat sebagai: purifikasi, peremajaan, istirahat pada organ pencernaan, anti aging, mengurangi alergi, mengurangi berat badan, mengawal mental dan emosi, perubahan kebiasaan dari kebiasaan makan yang buruk menjadi lebih seimbang dan lebih terkawall, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.
Puasa dapat mengubati penyakit seperti Influeza, bronkitis, diare, konstipasi, alergi makanan, asma, aterosklerosis, penyakit jantung koroner, hipertensi, diabetes, obesitas, kanker, epilepsi, sakit pada punggung, sakit mental, angina pectoris (sakit dada kerana jantung), panas dan insomnia.

6. Dr Sabah al-Baqir dan kawan-kawan

Mengatakan bahawa puasa dapat mengurangi jumlah hormon melawan stress. Dia bersama kumpulan dari Falkuti kedoktoran Universiti King Saud yang melakukan studi terhadap hormon prolaktin, insulin dan kortisol, pada tujuh orang laki-laki yang berpuasa sebagai sampel. Hasilnya bahawa tidak ada perubahan signifikan pada level kortisol. Prolaktin, dan insulin. Ini menunjukkan bahawa puasa bulan ramadhan bukanlah pekerjaan yang memberatkan, dan tidak mengakibatkan tekanan mental maupun saraf.

7. Dr Riyadh Sulaiman dan kawan-kawan

Tahun 1990 dari RS Universiti King Khalid, Riyadh Saudi melakukan penelitian terhadap pengaruh puasa Ramadhan terhadap 47 penderita diabetes tahap kedua (pesakit yang tidak tergantung insulin). Dan sejumlah orang sihat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahawa puasa bulan ramadhan tidak menimbulkan penurunan berat badan yang signifikan. Tidak ada pengaruh apapun yang bererti pada kawalan penyakit diabetes diabetes dikalangan penderita ini. Sejauh ini puasa Ramadhan selamat sahaja bagi penderita diabetes sejauh dilakukan dengan kesedaran dan kawalan makanan serta ubat-ubatan.

8. Dr. Muhammad Munib

Dan kawan-kawan dari Turki juga melakukan sebuah kajiselidik terhadap seratus responden muslim, Sampel darah mereka diambil sebelum dan diakhir bulan ramadhan, untuk dilakukan analisis dan pengukuran terhadap kandungan protein, total lemak (total lipid), lemak fosfat, asam lemak bebas, kolesterol, albumin, globulin, gula darah, tryglycerol, dan unsur-unsur pembentuk darah lainnya, dan didapat, antara lain bahwa terjadi penurunan umum pada kadar gula (glukosa) dan tryacyglicerol orang yang berpuasa, terjadinya penurunan parsial dan ringan pada berat badan, tidak terlihat adanya aseton dalam urin, baik dalam awal maupun akhir puasa, sebab sebelum puasa ramadhan, kenyataan ini menegaskan tidak adanya pembentukan zat-zat keton yang berbahaya bagi tubuh selama bulan puasa islam, Dengan keutamaan puasa, glikogen dalam tubuh mengalami peremajaan, memompa gerakan lemak yang tersimpan, sehingga menghasilkan energi yang lebih meningkat.
                   Sejak zaman dulu puasa dipakai sebagai pengubatan yang terbaik seperti kata Plato bahwa puasa adalah untuk mengubati sakit fizikal dan mental. Philippus Paracelsus mengatakan bahwa “Fasting is the greatest remedy the physician within!”
                 Puasa sudah diakui menjadi penyembuh terhebat dalam menangani penyakit, bahkan di Amerika ada pusat puasa yang diberi nama “Fasting Center International, Inc”, Director Dennis Paulson yang berdiri sudah sejak 35 tahun yang lalu, dengan pesakit dari 220 negara. Yang mencadangkan Puasa dalam:
(1) program penurunan berat badan,
(2) mengeluarkan toxin tubuh,
(3) puasa dapat memperbaiki energy, kesehatan mental, kesehatan fisik dan yang paling terpenting meningkatkan kualiti hidup.

Professor Syed Mohamad Zainudin pulak kate:
Oleh itu,wajiblah kita sebagai hambaNya menyedari bahawa setiap yang ditetapkan oleh Allah itu adalah tidak sia-sia.Justeru,banyakkan lah beramal,sebagai persediaan menempuh alam akhirat kelak,sekian.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


“ANTA dah makan,” tegur Tok Guru kepada tatkala melihat kelibat penulis memasuki bilik jamuan. “Alhamdulillah, sudah Tok Guru,” jawab penulis sambil mengangguk.
Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat terus membuka bekas polystyrene yang berada di hadapannya. Bekas tersebut diikat dengan getah plastik. Di dalamnya ada nasi putih, seketul ayam, sebungkus kuah gulai dan sebungkus cili.
Tiada makanan ala buffet. Tiada air sirap, tiada teh dihidangkan. Yang ada hanya air mineral dan nasi bungkus
Itulah jamuan untuk VIP PAS selepas Menteri Besar Kelantan itu merasmikan Persidangan ICT PAS di Taman Melewar, 22 Oktober lepas. Tok Guru Nik Aziz menjamu selera di bilik khas bersama Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan, Dr Mohd Fadzli Hassan, Che Abdullah Nawi, Setiausaha Politik, Wan Nik Wan Yussof, Pengerusi Lujnah ICT PAS, Ustaz Abdul Ghani Shamsuddin, Pengarah Urusetia Penerangan Kedah, Zulkifli Yahya dan Pensyarah Unisel, Profesor Dr Azmudden Ibrahim.
Tok Guru dan para VIP kelihatan berselera sekali menjamah hidangan. Mereka menjamu selera dan berbual dengan nada yang amat santai.
Begitu pun, akhlak Tok Guru tetap terpelihara. Beliau mencarik-carikan isi ayam sedikit demi sedikit, dengan tangan kirinya menahan tulang ayam. Selepas secubit ayam dijamah, beliau menuangkan kuah gulai sedikit-demi sedikit, untuk dimakan dengan nasi. Begitulah selang-seli hidangan dimakan hingga habis.
Berbeza dengan kita. Kalau kita yang makan, kita akan ambil seketul-seketul ayam dan koyakkan dengan gigi sahaja. Biasa kalau kuah gulai tu, kita akan tuang sampai banjir dalam pinggan.
Sambil-sambil mereka makan, penulis memerhatikan tingkah laku mereka. Para VIP PAS, khususnya Tok Guru, tidak pernah merungut, walaupun pada pengamatan penulis, nilai sebungkus nasi dan air untuk hidangan VIP, tidak sampai RM2.50. Itulah juga hidangan yang disajikan kepada seluruh peserta hidangan. Sama sekali tiada beza.
Pada penulis soal harga tidak menjadi persoalan. Bukan soal mahal atau murahnya sesuatu hidangan. Tok Guru tidak pernah melarang sesiapa pun untuk menjamu selera dengan hidangan yang lazat-lazat. Asalkan mereka mampu dan tidak membazir.
Tok Guru juga tidak pernah menolak jika dijemput menjamu selera hidangan yang mahal dan mewah. Tok Guru biasa menghadiri majlis bersama Raja-Raja dan VVIP terkemuka. Moralnya, sama ada makan cara mewah atau makan cara marhain, adalah sesuatu yang lumrah, yang tidak perlu ditunjuk-tunjukkan.
Tetapi Tok Guru tetap Tok Guru. Sifat tawaduknya bukan dibuat-buat. Dah memang semula jadi sifat Tok Guru begitu. Hidangan yang simple dan murah. Makan digerai bersama rakyat kebanyakan sudah biasa baginya. Tidak perlu dihighlight dalam media, tidak perlu diheboh kepada satu dunia.
Bukan macam Perdana Menteri 1Malaysia kita. Pada penulis, elok juga ditegur Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak. Kalau dah sifatnya bangsawan, hidup sentiasa dalam kantung emas, usah nak berlakon seolah-olah berasal dari gubuk yang buruk.
Kalau asal kehidupannya sejak dilahirkan dah standard, kehidupan sedia mewah, tiada salahnya. Teruskan sajalah, tidak perlu hendak dibuat-buat.
Lebih baik Najib jadi dirinya sendiri. Usah jadi macam artis yang boleh melakonkan apa sahaja watak. Berlakon jadi tok guru membaca tazkirah pun boleh, berlakon jadi kasanova sambil meneguk ‘air kencing syaitan’ di kelab malam pun boleh.
Pengampu-pengampu Najib pun satu hal. Tak usahlah nak malukan PM kita, kononnya PM berjiwa rakyat, sanggup makan nasi sepinggan RM4.00, kononnya Restoran 1Malaysia, begitu hebat menawarkan hidangan yang murah untuk rakyat.
Dalam sekelip mata rakyat dapat membuktikan, harga makanan yang dimakan Najib, seperti yang dihebohkan tok-tok dalang media pencacai bukannya RM4.00 tapi RM6.00 sepinggan.
Minggu lepas, semasa lawatannya ke Restoran Ukhwah, di Kuala Lumpur yang dikatakan menawarkan Menu Rakyat, Najib menjamah sepinggan nasi, dua ketul ayam, sepotong daging goreng, tauge, dan poppadom. Diriuhkan 1Malaysia bahawa harga sepinggan hidangan Najib itu RM4.00, malah ada media pengampu cuba hendak murahkan lagi dengan harga RM3.50.
Tembelang dan pembohongan Umno-BN terbongkar, dibuktikan apabila staf Ahli Parlimen Batu, Tian Chua dihantar ke Restoran Ukhwah, mengambil lauk yang sama dengan Najib, dicaj dengan harga RM6.00.
Apabila didedahkan dalam media, Menteri Pengguna, Dato’ Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob terkial-kial mempertahankan Menu Rakyat 1Malaysia, selepas promosinya untuk menaik dan mengampu Najib, jadi backfire kepada Umno-BN.
“Ketika itu ada beberapa lauk seperti ayam masak merah, ayam masak kicap dan daging, jadi PM hendak rasa kualiti lauk tersebut.
“Secara asasnya menu nasi putih, sejenis lauk dan segelas air memang RM4.00, malah ada yang lebih murah. Apabila kita ambil lebih daripada apa yang ditawarkan dalam menu, maka kita perlulah bayar lebih,” kata beliau memberi alasan.
Namun, Ismail tidak mampu menjawab mengapa Najib hanya membayar RM4.00 untuk hidangan berkenaan. Kalau dah tau harganya memang bukan RM4.00, buat apa Ismail Sabri nak biarkan media pengampu membohongi rakyat? Ataupun Ismail Sabri memang kaki kelentong, sehingga memalukan bosnya sendiri.
Itulah hebat Umno-BN ini, punya lah nak menunjukkan pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat, sampai menggunakan cara yang paling bodoh dan memalukan.
Nanti orang akan balas balik pada Najib, nanti rakyat akan kata, buat apa hendak menunjuk-nunjuk makan nasi RM4.00 sepinggan, sedangkan perbelanjaan mewah PM, isteri dan keluarga menelan belanja berjutajuta ringgit?
Macam mana Najib hendak jawab, pengubahsuaian rumah mewah Seri Perdana yang menelan kos berpuluh juta wang rakyat, dibandingkan ubahsuai rumah Tok Guru hanyalah beratap zink dan berdinding separuh kayu?
Apa Najib hendak beri alasan, jika rakyat mempersoalkan harga beg-beg tangan Rosmah, pelbagai fesyen, pelbagai jenama mewah, sehingga menelan belanja jutaan ringgit?
Apakah tidak dinamakan mewah, berbelanja jutaan ringgit untuk majlis pertunangan anak di Kazakhztan? Duduk di hotel mewah di Dubai dengan harga mencecah RM100 ribu satu malam? Bercuti dengan menggunakan perbelanjaan kerajaan di Perth?
Jika anda memang jenis hidup mewah dan membazir, usahlah berlakon kononnya susah macam rakyat kebanyakan, kononnya menjiwai perasaan dan kehidupan rakyat miskin.
Sedar dirilah, usahlah Najib berlakon hendak jadi tawaduk macam Tok Guru. Usah jadi bahan gelak ketawa rakyat. Rakyat pun dah muak dengan lakonan tidak menjadi ini.
To Najib, please be yourself.

Syria, Syria dan Syria.............

Nota ini adalah hasil perkongsian tokoh ulama' syria,Syeik Hassan di UPM yang datang ke malaysia akhir tahun lepas dan menceritakan peristiwa sebenarnya yang berlaku di Syria:)


Syria merdeka dari penjajahan Perancis pada 1945, dan telah diperintah oleh anak bangsa Syria sendiri sehingga zaman Hafez Al-Assad yang telah memerintah selama 32 tahun dan diikuti oleh anaknya Basyar Al-Assad yang telah memerintah selama 11 tahun. Syria telah menjadi negara yang diperintah oleh diktator.

Hafez Al-Assad berpegang pada Syiah Nusairiyah, yang menyimpan perasaan dengki terhadap rakyatnya daripada MUSLIM SUNNI, yang mencaci dan menghina Saidina Aishah dan Ummahatul Mukminin radhiyallahu anhum, diharamkan sembelihan mereka, mereka melakukan kejahatan yang pelbagai, mereka tidak solat di masjid kita (ASWJ).
Kerajaan Syria didokong oleh Iran yang terkenal dengan Syiahnya, bahkan Hafez sendiri merupakan pelampau Syiah.
Syeikh Hassan seterusnya menceritakan tentang Syria yang mana 6 peratus darinya merupakan Syiah Alawie, 10% darinya beragama Kristian dan 84% daripada rakyatnya beragama Muslim Sunni. Iran mempertahankan tindakan ganas regim Hafez yang membunuh rakyatnya sendiri, begitu juga Hizbullah di Lubnan juga menyokong tindakan Hafez Al-Assad.

BERMULA ZAMAN AYAHNYA- Hafez Al-Assad- konflik berdarah di Hama pada tahun 1982 yang berlaku selama 27 hari mengorbankan hampir 46000 ribu penduduk Hama. Peristiwa ini menyebabkan rakyat Syria mendiamkan diri dari politik sekian lama.
Rakyat mula kembali bangkit terhadap kezaliman yang berlaku semenjak 8 bulan yang lalu.
Permulaan revolusi berlaku di Hama, kemudian merebak ke bandar-bandar lain seperti Dar'aa, Hauran, Halab bahkan sehingga ia berlaku di 157 tempat di Syria.

PUNCA KEBANGKITAN ADALAH : Ada sekumpulan kanak-kanak seramai lingkungan 28 orang bermain-main dan telah menulis sesuatu di dinding sekolah mereka. Apa yang ditulis oleh kanak-kanak ini ialah RAKYAT MAHU JATUHKAN KERAJAAN. Slogan ini telah dilaungkan di negara2 yang berlaku kebangkitan rakyat. Pasukan keselamatan Syria telah menangkap kanak-kanak ini. Mereka telah diseksa dengan cara mencabut kuku-kuku kaki dan tangan mereka. Salah seorang kanak2 itu telah meninggal dunia dan keluarganya meminta mayat kanak2 itu serta kanak2 lain dilepaskan. Kerajaan telah meletakkan syarat dimana bila mahu lepaskan kanak2 itu, mereka perlu memberi wanita2 dikalangan mereka untuk dinikahi oleh puak2 kerajaan Syria ini ( satu bentuk penghinaan), maka berlakulah kebangkitan di Syria.

1-Dalam masa 42 hari telah terbunuh Syahid seramai 4000 orang rakyat Syria.
2-39000 orang telah cedera, mereka tak dirawat dan dibiarkan sahaja.
3-Satu peristiwa di mana seramai 19 orang doktor di hospital dan 40 orang pesakit di hospital tersebut dibunuh tentera Assad di wilayah Doma.
4-9000 tahanan ditahan.
5-413 orang telah syahid di dalam penjara.
6-Wanita2 diculik dan dibawa ke tempat yang tak diketahui. Wanita ini telah dirogol di hadapan abang2, ayah, anak2, dan ahli keluarga mereka. Sebelum dirogol, mereka digari terlebih dahulu.
7-Seorang ukhti bernama Zainab Al-Husni dari Hims, di Madinah Khalid bin Al-Walid. Beliau telah ditangkap dan mahu diperkosa oleh tentera yang menangkapnya. Tetapi beliau melawan. Lantas beliau dibunuh dan telah dipotong 4 KERAT.. Anggota badan yang dikerat itu dimasukkan ke dalam plastik, lalu dicampakkan ke hadapan keluarga beliau.
8-Mengucapkan takbir merupakan sesuatu yang tidak disukai.
9-Menyuruh tukar Laa Ilaha Illah Basyar Asad.
10-Basyar Assad juga daripada kelompok Syiah yang terkeluar daripada Islam dan mengharuskan untuk membunuh Muslimin Sunni..84% daripada posisi kepimpinan Rejim Basyar Assad dipegang oleh kaum keluarga mereka yang terdiri daripada 3 keluarga besar, 6% daripada posisi tersebut pula daripada kaum Ajam dan 10% lagi daripada golongan Kuffar.. Tiada posisi bagi Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah..Kezalimannya terhadap wanita dan kanak2 juga terlalu dahsyat melebihi Israel..rakyat2 Sunni dibunuh sesuka hati tetapi walau seorang Israel pun tidak ditumpahkan darah..hasbunallahu wa neemal wakeel..

Rabitah Ulama Syria yang diasaskan oleh Dr Ali As-Sobuni dan Rabithah Ulama Sedunia telah berfatwa kepada rakyat Syria agar mempertahankan rumah mereka daripada keganasan tentera walaupun dengan menggunakan pisau dengan berdalilkan hadis berikut;
#"Barangsiapa terbunuh mempertahankan hartanya, maka dia syahid ; barangsiapa terbunuh mempertahankan ahli keluarganya, maka dia syahid; atau mempertahankan agamanya, maka dia syahid" -hadith ini dikeluarkan oleh Abu Daud dalam Sunannya (2/275) An-Nasaie dan Tirmidzi dan disahihkan oleh Imam Al-Albaniy dan Ahmad (1652 dan 1653) dari jalan Said Bin Zaid dan sanadnya Shahih.

1-Masa depan kebangkitan ini begitu baik. ia berterusan dan semakin kukuh. Lebih 30000 tentera yang terdiri dari pegawai telah bersama rakyat. Mereka ini telah melindungi orang2 yang turun berdemo kerana tidak tahan melihat kekejaman rejim Basyar Assad ini yang sesuka hati membunuh rakyatnya sendiri.
2-Pertubuhan2 Arab (Liga Arab) telah mengambil pendirian tentang apa yang telah Syria lakukan terhadap rakyatnya. Mereka tidak membenarkan pegawai2 Syria memasuki tanah mereka. tetapi ada dua negara yang tidak berpendirian sedemikian iaitu Iraq dan Lubnan. Iraq tidak berpendirian sedemikian kerana pemimpin Syria merupakan orang Syiah dan mereka selalu meminta pertolongan dari Iraq kerana Iraq merupakan negara Syiah.
3-Syeikh Yussuf Al-Qaradhawi telah mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa mereka yang terbunuh dalam keadaan yang sebegini adalah seorang yang SYAHID....
4-95% ulama Syria telah bersama dalam kebangkitan rakyat ini.
5-19% negara-negara Arab telah mewajibkan sekatan politik dan ekonomi ke atas Syria.

1- Gambaran tentang Syria agak tidak jelas bila dijelaskan oleh media2, kerana itu Syeikh Hassan dihantar bagi menjelaskan apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku di SYRIA..
2-Media2 barat sebenarnya tidak mahu manusia dunia tahu akan apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku di Syria. Lalu mereka telah memutarbelitkan fakta.
3-Syeikh Khalid Hasan bercerita, ketika beliau di Indonesia dan bertemu dengan seorang teman, teman itu berkata dia lihat di akhbar bahawa ramai orang menyokong Kerajaan Syria. TV Indonesia juga menyiarkan bahawa ramai yang menyokong Kerajaan Syria yang dipimpin oleh Basyar Al-Assad. Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya ialah, kerajaan telah mengumpulkan pegawai2nya supaya berkumpul dalam erti kata lain mahu menunjukkan kepada dunia bahawa Basyar Al-Assad ini mempunyai ramai yang menyokong beliau.
4-Jangan terpedaya dengan kenyataan2 yang kita dengar dari ahli intelektual Syria dan ahli politik Syria bahawa yang Syria menentang Israel. Tetapi, sejak zaman ayah Basyar Al-Assad lagi (Hafez Al-Assad) tidak satu peluru pun yang singgah ke tanah Israel. Bahkan Tanah Tinggi Golan yang terletak di Tanah Syria telah dikuasai oleh Israel.
5-Kita banyak tidak tahu tentang Isu Syria selama ini sebab media telah dikawal oleh pihak rejim Basyar Assad. Manakala sumber media lain tidak dibenarkan memasuki Syria untuk membuat liputan. Segala gambar dan video yang menjadi bahan bukti adalah hasil rakaman daripada para pendemonstrasi yang bertekad untuk merakam sendiri kezaliman tersebut dan kebanyakan daripada mereka telah menemui syahid. Sebahagian rakaman lain telah dijual oleh tentera rejim Basyar Assad dengan harga 100 dolar. Syeikh Dr Khalid Hassan Al-Hindawi merupakan delegasi khas Syeikh Dr Yussuf Al-Qaradhawi ke Asia Tenggara untuk menyampaikan dan menyebarkan berita sebenar.

-Mendoakan saudara kita di Syria
-Menghulurkan bantuan untuk mereka dari segi kewangan
-Menyebarkan berita sebenar tentang apa yang berlaku di SYRIA.

Ingatlah Saudaraku, Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Barangsiapa yang tidak mengambil tahu hal orang Islam yang lain, maka bukan dari kalangan KAMI"
dan ingatlah selalu akan tempat kembali bagi mereka yang zalim:

Kalam Saidina Ali KWJ; "Sesungguhnya negeri yang batil itu sejkejap sahaj sedangkan negeri yang benar itu tetap sehingga datangnya kiamat".

Firman Allah Taala dalam Surah Al-Isra' ayat 81;
"Dan katakanlah :Telah datang kebenaran (Islam), dan hilang lenyaplah perkara yang salah (kufurdan syirik) ; sesungguhnya yang salah itu sememangnya satu perkara yang tetap lenyap".

Firman Allah dalam Surah Ar-Ra'd ayat 17 ; adapun buih itu maka akan hilang lenyaplah ia hanyut terbuang, manakala benda-benda yang berfaedah kepada manusia maka ia tetap tinggal di bumi. Demikianlah Allah menerangkan misal-misal perbandingan.

(Disampaikan pada 6 Disember 2011 di Uni Putra Malaysia)